Latest activity list as for replies

Hi, is there a way to have a list of latest replies (not topics) by chronological order (the most recent at the top), featuring the latest poster’s avatar, the title of the topic it has been replied to, and an excerpt of that reply? The purpose is to present to my members a quick list of the latest activity of my site. Thanks.

There is this (image below). However, it doesn’t give an excerpt. I haven’t tried this but you’d need to use the Topic List Excerpts theme component.


To get it to show to all users, you can use this theme component below

Thanks, I don’t necessarily want that list to be my home page, I was more thinking of a prominent icon (Icon header links component) that I could label latest activity or latest replies.

But as you said the excerpt is missing and I would like to have only the latest poster’s avatar and no other information.

I’ll look at that Topics list excerpt thing, thanks.

Maybe the activity of the tl0 group works for you

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Yes! That’s a very good idea, smart!

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