Topic List Excerpts

:discourse2: Summary Topic List Excerpts allows you to enable excerpts for unpinned topics (by default, Discourse only displays topic excerpts for pinned topics).
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Install this theme component


Works great alongside Topic List Thumbnails in “list” mode!

:information_source: The excerpts themselves are generated by Discourse Core, using the same logic as the excerpts of ‘pinned’ topics. If you have a query / suggestion about how the excerpts are built, please make a new support topic.

:bulb: Tip: you can keep line breaks in excerpts by adding this CSS to your theme:

.topic-list .topic-excerpt {
    white-space: pre-line;

Be aware that results may look off depending on the posts’ contents.


Name Description
show excerpts mobile
show excerpts desktop
enabled categories Enable excerpts in specific categories. Leave both categories and tags blank to show excerpts on all routes
enabled tags Enable excerpts in specific tags. Leave both categories and tags blank to show excerpts on all routes.

:discourse2: Hosted by us? Theme components are available to use on our Standard, Business, and Enterprise plans.

Last edited by @JammyDodger 2024-06-15T19:28:50Z

Check documentPerform check on document:

Great, a blog-like topic listing (together with Topic List Thumbnails Component)! :clap:

Can it be restricted by category like the other component?


Sure, I just added a category setting:


Thanks, much appreciated.

I also take the chance to report that there is some kind of incompatibility with the Topic Thumbnails component, since the images appear twice for each topic in the topic list (topic list option on thumbnails component + topic excerpts component).


You’re right, sorry about that. Should be fixed now


Love this component; thank you! Is there any way to adjust the word/character length of the excerpts displayed in topic lists? (Never mind, I found the topic excerpt maxlength site setting, adjusted it, and rebuilt HTML for the topic posts in question.)


The category setting works but the tag setting is not working on the latest discoures.


@th21 tag handling should now be fixed - sorry for the delay!


A post was split to a new topic: Being able to display excerpts for some categories only on /latest

A post was split to a new topic: Differentiate contents from the topic list rows using different colors

Hi,why the read more is grey in my site but in yours is blue, how can i chane the color?

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Hi, you can use CSS to customize.

For example, using the predefined color for links. Though, you can provide the color you want.

.topic-excerpt-more {
    color: var(--tertiary);
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Hi, this component gets rendered on the discourse docs plugin page and makes the excerpt clickable to the url of the discourse discussion not the doc url, is there anyway to avoid this from happening?

Hi, it’s possible to show the latest post instead of the first post?

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I have a plugin + theme-component for this: Topic List Latest-Post Excerpt


There is a problem with the theme component in desktop?

when i have it enabled, thats shows avatars like that:

L'image montre une pile de tags de discussion avec différents symboles et lettres, et un compteur indiquant le chiffre 6 sur un fond sombre. (Captioned by AI)

i have updated my discourse today

EDIT: IS there a way to limit the number of lines/characters for the excerpt?


Yeah same here

Lastest it’s okay when logouted but others routes when discourse-right-sidebar-blocks are enabled this happen

The excerpt toggle button isn’t visible on mobiles. By desing, an accident or am I asking too early?

I love this! Is there any way to block excerpts from showing on private messages?

I’ve tried this component, and it doesn’t show excerpts on personal messages. :thinking: