Launcher run app gives error when trying backup

This gives me just errors, starting Redis.

/var/discourse/launcher run app "echo ', with_uploads: false).run' | rails c"

If I take rails c route backuping works. But that oneliner should work too — or it is worked back 2020 (or was it -22…)

And what I really try to do is get just database dump, packed, in such place I can move it to S3. And no, I don’t want to do it manually, backuping must be automated. And no, once a day is not enough, because I don’t want miss worth of 24 hours stuff if something goes badly south.

Just cross-linking the reference (from 2020) in case it should be updated:

Do you mean connecting to redis? What is the actual error you see?

launcher run app runs a command in a new container context, so redis won’t be running. This would only work if redis is external.

The following should work as it runs in the context of the existing container:

docker exec -i app rails c <<<', with_uploads: false).run'

Why are you doing the above over e.g. the simpler discourse backup --sql-only?

You can also tell Discourse to use S3 directly as a location for backups, if you want.


Because Docker and containers are horrible places, where nothing works, like crontab and nano :joy: I know, kind of, what I do when I see /var/discourse but after ./launcher enter app I am totally lost. That’s why my Mastodon-server backups itself, but Discourse not (well, once a day yes, but still).

Yes, I know discourse backup do what I want, it even sends the dump to S3, but I don`t how to time it — because that horrible and terryfying container thingy, that is an OS inside an OS.

You have a scheduler outside of the container available, right?

You can schedule it there, e.g.:

# put in host crontab
# run backup once every 4 hours on the hour
0 */4 * * * docker exec app discourse backup --sql-only

That was so easy that it was almost the biggest anti-climax of the day. And now I have one awscli totally without use.

docker exec is the key here… now I have one solid thing to start googling.



Oh yeah… that error:

Couldn't connect to Redis
bundler: failed to load command: pry (/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.3.0/bin/pry)
/var/www/discourse/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.3.0/gems/redis-4.8.1/lib/redis/client.rb:398:in `rescue in establish_connection': Error connecting to Redis on localhost:6379 (Errno::ECONNREFUSED) (Redis::CannotConnectError)

Amd after that was a mile long list where every line started from and there was zillion different ruby things, gems etc. It didn’t look very interesting.

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