Launching ./launcher bootstrap app returns Your Docker installation is not using a supported storage driver on CentOS 7

I am setting a new discourse installation on a dedicated server running CentOS 7. When I run ./launcher bootstrap app to launch the new server I get the following error:

which: no in (/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin)
Your Docker installation is not using a supported storage driver.  If we were to proceed you may have a broken install.
aufs is the recommended storage driver, although zfs/btrfs/overlay and overlay2 may work as well.
Other storage drivers are known to be problematic.
You can tell what filesystem you are using by running "docker info" and looking at the 'Storage Driver' line.

If you wish to continue anyway using your existing unsupported storage driver,
read the source code of launcher and figure out how to bypass this check.

I have executed both systemctl start docker and systemctl enable docker and I don’t get any errors. When I try to run docker info | grep Storage Driver the system returns an error Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?

I also tried troubleshooting my issue, by following the recommendations on this forum post: Can't run ./launcher rebuild app - Docker storage driver is unsupported for adding aufs -s

I did do a ps ax |grep dockerd with the following results:

21079 ?        Ssl    0:03 /usr/bin/dockerd-current --add-runtime docker-runc=/usr/libexec/docker/docker-runc-current --default-runtime=docker-runc --exec-opt native.cgroupdriver=systemd --userland-proxy-path=/usr/libexec/docker/docker-proxy-current --selinux-enabled --log-driver=journald --signature-verification=false
21090 pts/0    S+     0:00 grep --color=auto dockerd

So im stumped and would appreciate any help or ideas to get this resolved.


Do you have to use centos? It just works on Ubuntu.

There are several topics about problems (some with solutions) with centos and docker. You might search here for those.

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AUFS is not supported on CentOS. You have to use overlayfs if you would like to stick with CentOS 7. I have a post in that same topic you linked, read that carefully.


I have to stick to CentOS 7 because I run another thing running that requires CentOS to work correctly.

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Thanks, I am going to read that now. I will let you know how it goes.

You’ll also need to read posts about hosting Discourse with other sites. You’ll need to, got example, run ngninx and have it reverse proxy.

Oh I dont have other sites running on my server, its just a service application.

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Just a heads up, it seems more recent versions of Docker (1.13+) use overlay by default on CentOS. See here: Is the Overlay Storage Driver now the default with CentOS 7 & Docker 1.13? - General Discussions - Docker Forums

I managed to get Docker to boot after full uninstalling Docker and then running the following command:

wget -qO- | sh

This set us up with the most recent version of Docker, 17.04.0-ce.

I had to let Docker recreate /var/lib/docker because with the existing folder in place from previous installations of Docker, the service kept using the devicemapper storage driver:

sudo mv /var/lib/docker /var/lib/docker-broken
sudo systemctl start docker

Docker info started fine, and docker info told me that it was now using overlay without any additional configuration on my part:

[service@servername lib]$ docker info
Containers: 0
 Running: 0
 Paused: 0
 Stopped: 0
Images: 1
Server Version: 17.04.0-ce
Storage Driver: overlay
 Backing Filesystem: extfs
 Supports d_type: true

That’s great news. Does centos have it’s bad docker installed by default? Discourse-setup runs that docker install script. Should it just work or should it uninstall docker and then run get.docker.Com?

The version of Docker that is currently installed via yum install docker is Docker v1.12.6 from back in early January 2017. We followed an installation guide from a year or so ago that had us install Docker via yum so we just assumed at first that it was fine. Strangely enough it didn’t mention anything about configuring Docker to use the overlay storage driver so maybe Docker back then used it instead of drivemapper that we kept seeing with 1.12.6.

You mentioned something called “discourse-setup” - is there a new command-line tool for installing Discourse?


Yes. It mostly helps walk new users through configuring their app.yml without actually opening it. There may a few more checks (like for swap, unicorns, etc) or they could be in bootstrap (which is run by setup) I’m not sure where they are.


Hello. I am new to discourse and I am not even sure if I should post here or start a new topic. I inherited a Discourse installation (have no idea how it was installed) and I wanted to upgrade it (on Ubuntu 14). In the upgrade page of Discourse, it is requested to upgrade from 1.8.0 to 1.9.0 and first I am requested to upgrade the docker. So after upgrading docker from the web page, it returns a page with the message ‘You are running an old version of the Discourse image.’ and instructions to pull the discourse_docker from git and rebuild it. On rebuilding, it says ‘Your Docker installation is not using a supported storage driver…’. After reading this topic (since I had almost no idea what a docker is and how to manage it), I run docker info and it says the storage driver is devicemapper. I saw in another post that I should edit ‘/etc/sysconfig/docker-storage’ to set the storage driver, but I am afraid of not losing the discourse data (and database). Is it safe to change the storage driver? Beside this, I would like to know if there is a safer way of updating discourse_docker (maibe from a release) since the sources on git are continuously changing. Thank you for any response.

Where is this install hosted? If on something like DO, it may be quicker to make a new droplet, install Discourse, and restore Discourse. You’ll just have to deal with DNS.

@mpalmer should be able to confirm, but I do believe they said in the past it was non-destructive for data.


Yes, changing the storage driver will cause a rebuild to be needed, but it shouldn’t (absent non-standard changes to configuration that we can’t account for) cause any data loss, because the database, uploads etc are all kept on volumes that are outside of Docker’s direct remit and control.


Ok, thank you, I will try to change the driver (I will also make a discourse backup so I hope it will be fine - it is a production machine so this is the reason why I am so carefull)

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