Lightbox not working on Discourse

I also gave you other solutions to try though: :wink:

We encourage people to use any hosting service they like, but after development and testing, we found Digital Ocean’s droplets to give the least amount of issues and so over the years we’ve recommended and used them. With Digital Ocean, we are aware of how it is set up and how it works and what the possible issues are, but with other hosting services and marketplaces, we aren’t as we don’t have any visibility into how they set up their installation process.

We’d like to help with this, so we created a standard install process so if anyone follows this process, we know what to expect and what possible issues are. Outside this, it is near impossible to speak to what the possible issues are, as there are so many variables involved.

That said, please be aware that Discourse is free and open source and so you are free to use it as you like or install it where you like. We can also give you free support for your Discourse instance via this community if you use our standard install. If this support process isn’t favourable, we created a marketplace where you can pay for support and one of our many experts will handhold you through the process.

Thank you for your kind words and consideration :slight_smile: