Like button does not work on archived topics

Weird, when hovering I dont get the reaction pcicker.

Also, is disabling the likes expected behavior of Discourse? If it is then I will just make a PR on the reactions plugin to disable it.

I just assigned this internally in case it is too involved for you, but I would like to see us show the like button for “archived” and “deleted” topics / posts

When anyone clicks it, we should teach them that “they can not like a post cause it is deleted” - not cryptic error messages.

Hiding the button should still be the case for your own posts though.

Feel free to give the 2 PRs a shot (one core, one for reactions) but if it is too hard, don’t worry we will get to it.

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Alright, thanks for your support. I’m back now and will give it a shot, if I can even find the correct files lol

I dont know where likes live, sorry that I keep asking

I looked around for a bit and couldn’t find the file that handles likes sadly, unless anybody has an answer then I will just wait for the team to get to it. Thanks for helping out though :slight_smile:

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I made discourse-reactions work better with archived topics and more similar to the regular like button with these two PRs:

This should not be a problem anymore.