Limit # of links for a watched word?

We have some watched word being linked, but sometimes the same word is used 3 or 4 times in a post and the links are getting to be a bit much.

Is there any way to set a max # of times a given word is linked on a given post/page?

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This is how the Linkify words in post theme component works. If a word is more times in a post then this makes link only the first one and you can add more restrictions as well.

This is a really useful feature for me too and this is why I use this component mixed with watched word. Probably it should worth a feature request to watched word. :slightly_smiling_face:


Yeah Iā€™d rather only have to use the one feature, because other than limiting the number of occurrences of a link, the watched words feature already does what we need perfectly. Thanks for the tip.

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For the mods, is there any plan to merge the Linkify theme component and Watched Words together?

It seems they do roughly the same thing. The advantage with Linkify, is only linking the term once per post. There are some posts on my forum where there are 3-6 links for the same word! :flushed: Thanks for listening.



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