How to avoid guarded words in certain paragraphs

Hi, I’m using the “watched words” feature, specifically to change certain words for links, which works very well.

However, I would like to know if there is a code or way to prevent the word from necessarily being changed in some paragraphs (for example, titles)

Basically, I have used this function to put referral links, but since I write the word so many times in the topic, I want to limit where it should not appear, it should be noted that I do not want to eliminate the function, so that when users write the words are changed automatically.

Is there a way to do it?

I don’t think there is currently, though I think there’s an open feature request here you can add your voice to:


Ok, I have already joined, although well, it has been 8 months since it was requested and there is still no solution to it. :disappointed_relieved:

Break up the word. For example, Data Explorer (auto-linkified) vs. Data Explorer or Data Explorer?

Data Explorer (auto-linkified) vs. Data<!--> Explorer or Data  Explorer?

or DiscourseConnect and DiscourseConnect

or DiscourseConnect and Discourse<!-->Connect
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They are all 1 word. For example Marketing, I can’t separate it

Did you note my second example? It’s one word.

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Yes, it seems to have worked, I applied it before the last letter, in case it affects the SEO. Thank you so much

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Doesn’t matter; it won’t appear in the cooked post: