Linked topics (splitting and managing megatopics)

I’m using WP and Discourse to do audio education and group reflection, and was thinking how helpful it might be if when the WP plugin creates a new topic on Discourse, an event triggers to create a linked topic as the reflection topic for that main topic. That way, it’d allow me to maintain the original topic as read-only, so people don’t see the reflections before they listen to the audio, and have the linked topic be where they go to reflect.

Similar to this:

Am I correct in assuming it may just take slightly tweaking this code here to make it happen in a new plugin?

      if SiteSetting.auto_close_topics_create_linked_topic?
        # enqueue a job to create a linked topic
        Jobs.enqueue_in(5.seconds, :create_linked_topic, post_id:

Also, I’m curious if there are enough applications for automatically creating a linked topic where it’d make sense to have it as part of Discourse-automation?

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