I have successfully completed all the steps to setup a discussion forum for my company.
I have TLS enabled and force_https is checked in settings.
The activation emails to new users are sent with http instead of https. e.g
Welcome to Folio3 NS Community!
Click the following link to confirm and activate your new account: http://ns-community.folio3.com/u/activate-account/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I check the email tempate in settings from UI , and there is a variable base_url which is containing http and my domain name.
Any ideas on how to update the base_url, so that it contains http instead of https.
(My site is accessible by https not http)
M. Saqib
Another application(gitlab) is hosted at port 80 i.e http.
Do you mean, I have to add a rediection to https on my port 80 , to make the base_url string get the correct https in the beginning?
It was my bad. I somehow missed the settings “force_https” and it was showing checked to me. (may be browser caching)
Another developer from my team checked that option and the emails are now received having links correctly as https.