Localization Based on User Login details

Hi Team,
I want to know “Can we Localized discourse based on the User Login?”. My request is, from our main portal if we click on forums it will redirect to discourse. Now the Discourse should display based on the user Language from my mail portal.

Example: If the user is selected Japanese in main portal he/she should get the Japanese in discourse portal as well. And for other user select Chinese then he/she should get the Chinese in discourse as well. Could some one tell me whether we can active this or not.

Hope I have explained clearly if not clear or need some more information please post here.
Many thanks in advance…

If you enable the settings set locale from accept language header and allow user locale you might not need to do this? It would detect the locale from the browser’s settings.

Are you using SSO for your forum logins? You’d be able to use the API to configure the language that way.


Thanks a lot for the response, Yes I have changed the setting and its working fine. And yes we are using the SSO login so I am creating a API, for that I am looking some guidance.

Hey @awesomerobot I need a some more information about the SSO part. When I logged in I can select the user preference to change the preferred language, but I want to know is that possible to make it with API call ?

From SSO I am getting the username, email’s same like I want to configure the user language could you please guide me for this issue.

And one more thing after the changes of set locale from “accept language header” and “allow user locale” in mac chrome its working fine but for windows chrome its not working is that any configuration I have to do for windows chrome.

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