Logo Small and "add to home screen" on Android

I’ve been implementing some branding updates over at the Infinite Flight Community recently. One of these was adjusting the header colour and icons.

Our “logo small” is now light-on-dark, which looks good on the Discourse end. However, some of our users have used the “add to home screen” functionality on Chrome on Android (may be present in other aosp-based browsers too, haven’t confirmed). It turns out that “logo small” is used as the icon when added to the home screen; this icon is then showed on the Chrome loading screen if opened from the home screen icon:

This doesn’t look very good. On iOS we have the “apple touch icon” option which can be changed, but as far as I can tell, there isn’t a way to separate the small icon from the Chrome home screen icon. Ideally I’d like to set this icon with a background colour, or to use our inverted icon.

Is there any way around this? Apologies if this is a duplicate as I couldn’t find anything else on this topic.

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For the icon, you should add a 512x512 PNG in the large icon url site setting for optimal results.

For the background color of the splash screen, it’s set to header_background color of you default theme.


Thanks, that solved it - the large icon url setting name wasn’t the most obvious :slight_smile:

I agree!

@techAPJ just added support for this icon in the wizard last week, so now people who are just setting up Discourse fill this early on at /wizard/steps/icons.


That should be enough for new users to see, thanks again for your help!



I’m really enthusiastic about using Discourse with “Add to home screen” + push notifications. (did you enable push notifications prompt in your instance?).

Eager for feedback in this area, which I think can really help in engagement metrics.

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It’s not something we have enabled yet but I will bring it up with the team, cool initiative for those who haven’t got the app :slight_smile: nice work as always, guys!

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