Looking for partner to develop domain check tool

What would you like done?

We own scamadviser.com. Our algorithm rates any domain name if it is legit (100) or very, very likely a scam (trust score = 1). We check for many different kinds of scams from online stores not delivering goods, ponzi schemes, gaming hoaxes, adult fake dating, crypto scams, etcetera. Our database grows with 18.000 domains on a daily basis.

We think there is a market for checking a domain name before you allow publication of it.

When do you need it done?

Integrate our feed into a domain check feature. If the trust score is below a certain threshold the link is not published (or an icon appears behind it to warn users).

What is your budget, in $ USD that you can offer for this task?

We do not have a budget. We can make the feed available to a partner familiar with developing for Discourse and marketing it on the platform. We would like to share the revenues.

If you are interested, please contact jorij (at) scamadviser.com


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