Loom Embedded videos not playing/loading (it was working fine before)

All of my Loom recording shared videos no longer plays on brave community(discourse)

It was working fine before, please fix it as i have added lot of Loom recordings.


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Hi, welcome :wave:

I may ask an obvious question, but I assume you’re using Brave. Did you try another browser to see if it still happens?

i only use Brave browser, All i know for sure is that Loom Recorded videos under 5 to 6 minutes can be watched directly in brave community… This issue is only happening recently, fix this issue and refresh brave community, thanks

video should play like this


it worked correctly before, but if you look at the brave community link, player seems to be frozen and Not Responding.

Perhaps firing a post rebuild would help, I remember I manually did that here recently, and it fixed the loom video.

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im only user of brave community(i think its more like cache process and since i have created lot of topics, it would be inconvenient to ask staff to rebuild/reset/refresh the site to optimize it for Loom video shares… i think discourse should work in backend and automate the process frequently…

this issue is linked mainly with discourse backend(its not a Loom.com issue or brave community issue)

i hope developers of discourse takes responsibilities for optimizing Loom recording shares.


The video above works for me with Chrome or Brave.

Looking at the video on the Brave community, the actual video link behind seems to not working for me (unlike the one above, where I can download it):



<Message>Unknown Key</Message>

This might be the issue?

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yes that’s the problem, it works initially but later at some point of time as few days passes by, the player seems to be stuck/frozen/Not responding

This issue seems to be happening to almost all of my Loom video linked topics(I noticed it only today)

I think discourse is technically outdated when it comes to video playback support, Really wish the software would be futuristic enough to show loom video player directly on brave community(like yt videos support) instead of using outdated cache, token or something similar.

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Lack of Loom videos support is demotivating for creation of New topics…

These links might be useful




I believe that’s not related to Discourse.
You can test by yourself (here), if you click on the video link, it returns an error.
Discourse can’t load the video if there is an error.

I don’t know why the link is no longer available. Possibly, it has been deleted, or privacy settings or a session time limit is attached to it. It’s unclear. :thinking: Did you check on loom website/dashboard/documentation if there is something you might have missed?

All video links are hosted on Loom and the links are alive/public

Any fix or workaround would be nice

created a New post related to this issue on brave community


im confident this is an backend issue

I will update if a fix is discovered.

Did you click on the link in my previous post? Does it work for you?
If not, that’s likely not an issue with Discourse or Brave, but Loom.


I have started to experience an issue with loom videos.

When I add a link to loom video it acts like a video is embedded on forum and users can directly play the video by clicking on the play button.

But after a couple of hours that video becomes unclickable / play button disappears and the video acts a like giff

When I click on setting and rebuild HTML it starts working again but the same thing happens after a couple of hours

This problem started recently with the latest update before that It was working fine.

Please help How can i fix this ?

Hi @Zee :slight_smile:

There was another report of something similar so I’ve slipped your post across to keep them grouped together. :+1:

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Thanks @JammyDodger
Is there any fix available for this problem ?

Not that I’m aware of. If you read the posts above, there’s a thought that it may be a change in Loom rather than Discourse. Though I think it may still need pinpointing either way.


Google AI says Discourse is a Basic community that is not well suited for video sharing

I hope this scenario changes soon and developers of discourse finds out ways and techniques to make the discourse powered communities reliable for video sharing.