Loom Embedded videos not playing/loading (it was working fine before)

I believe I’ve already explained why in the above post.
The credential attached by Loom to the .mp4 was invalidated. It is not related to a Discourse change.

However, Discourse can improve loom support by using the embedded version so this would not be misused or have credential issues. Hopefully, this is clearer and that it will get some attention. :+1:


While a youtube video is shared, yt player appears here

While a Loom video is shared, why doesn’t their player show up?

It would be awesome if discourse manages to show the player with all Loom video player controls and features…

I have reported this issue to someone internally who is working on video oneboxes to get their input.


@blake just merged a PR for this :slight_smile: :tada: Thanks @scavxo and @Arkshine for the heads up with this!


Here is a working example of what the Loom Onebox will look like now when you paste in Loom share links:



@blake Thank you so much

Exactly what needs to be added/done to Get the Player Working/showing ?

Because for all of my Loom video linked topics, As of now, i cannot see the player just like what you have shown(For me all loom video linked topics and videos in it still appears to be frozen, how do i fix this issue?)









As you can see, Loom videos have been shared across a lot of different topics in Brave Community and all of the Loom videos still appears to be Frozen in brave community, A backend update which serves in converting frozen loom video links into Loom video player embedded links(Like yt embed player) would be Awesome

I hope i will receive solution soon because i wanted to Make Windows 11 Supernova VM Guide(Modified version of Win 11 X-Lite Micro 11 23H2 V1) soon in Brave Community for my Brave Browser Architecture Cloning Post for Win 8.1 and Win 7 users(where i attempt to make win 11 feel like its just another app of Win 8.1)

While i create guides, it also helps me to learn and improve

Performance and Stopwatch test 1 (42 Seconds)

Ask a moderator on the brave community to select “Rebuild HTML” on your loom posts, and they will start working again.


Newly added Loom videos works on Brave community

Waiting for an update from Brave Staff…

Just wanted to know how much work will be included for a staff, Rebuilding HTML needs to be done only 1 time for the main URL link of the topic which has lot of reples with where atleast 1 or 2 videos per reply OR Rebuilding HTML needs to be done for all of the replies individually wherever Loom vide is Linked/Shared(Rebuilding HTML per reply) ?

The admin may be able to rebuild them with a bulk rebake


So Submitting the URL links alone would be enough and won’t be much complex process for Admin(Like only having to Rebild HTML of the main URL link of topic which has lots of Loom videos per reply in that topic and not necessarily have to deal with rebuilding HTML per reply Right ?) ?

Any Screenshots on how the Rebuilding HTML is done would have helped me to Learn how this Process works…

I will also share this link in brave community

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user = User.find_by_username(‘user123’)
posts = Post.where (user_id: scavxo)

posts.each do |p|

is this the Right and Effective Format for updating via Rails Console ?

user123 is what you need to replace if the purpose is to rebake only your links.


Brave Community Admin needs to run the following code on Rails console(to Rebuild HTML only for my topics), Right/Correct ?

user = User.find_by_username(‘scavxo’)
posts = Post.where (user_id: user.id)

posts.each do |p|

Your posts have been rebaked on the Brave forum. Looks like all your Loom videos are working again :slightly_smiling_face:.


Thanks @blake

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