Mail gun permanently disabled my account after I created it for the first time

My Mailgun account was first temporarily disabled. I contacted the support team and they asked me my purpose of creating it. I told them it’s for discourse forum…then I got the following response from them:

“ Hello ,

Thank you for contacting Sinch Mailgun Support.

After reviewing your account details and activity, we’ve decided to permanently disable your Mailgun account. Unfortunately, we are unable to fully disclose specific reasons behind this action in order to protect our customers, internal processes, and compliance systems . Our Terms of Service or Acceptable Use Policyare available on our website with more information.

| Sinch Mailgun Support”

Please what can I do and any alternative hosting?


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If you’re setting up a new server it’s possible it’s been given an IP address that’s on a spam blacklist due to spamming in the past. They will block you because they suspect that spamming will continue, despite the address being owned by a different person. Or there could be a bunch of other reasons why they might not like you or your site.

You could try Mailjet - They work OK from Discourse for me, although depending on your email volumes you might find other providers who are cheaper.


Someone recently recommended

Where is your site hosted?

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Digital ocean. But I need the email server to complete the setup

Strange. I’ve not had mailgun disable anyone’s account that way.

I would try out one of the other services recommend in this topic.

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I’ve just had the same problem as the OP.

In my case, my intention was to setup a Discourse instance a few days from now. So, I setup Mailgun ahead of time by getting DNS in place first. Mailgun has permanently closed my account with the same reply text as the OP, but I never reached the point of connecting a Discourse server. I wonder what sort of false positive I have flagged. It’s bad for business to deny service to new signups.