Make Discourse play nice with the Wayback Machine

Any news from the IA people? it would be great to see this issue fixed…

I’ve tried to archive this historic post from the Let’s Encrypt people and made a page that says “Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private”, so clearly there’s something more to be done here. The print version does render correctly, but it’s not visible from the user and I wouldn’t have found it without looking here, so I’m not sure it’s a good fix.

In general, this connects with complaints I’ve heard from would-be Discourse users about the heavy use of Javascript in the user interface. Obviously, this was discussed many times here, but having something show up when no Javascript loads at all would be a huge benefit to many users, not just crawlers. In Firefox with Javascript disabled, this site just says “Cannot load app” and basically tells me to go away. Many security-worried folks browse the web with Javascript turned off. As the article @ibnesayeed shared says, this is not specific to Discourse and browsing without Javascript promises a world of pain and emptiness, but it would be nice if Discourse would degrade more gracefully than “Go away, you’re too old”. :slight_smile:

Thanks for all the work! I can already appreciate all the work that’s been done to tailor to all those corner cases, for what it’s worth…