Managing the performance of moderators

I was hoping to get a discussion going with other community managers on ways they manage the performance of their moderators. The admin has some key metrics but i was wondering if anyone uses any data explorer queries they care to share?

Im interested in knowing their time to first responce for DM’s, their review queue activity, sentiment data would be amazing if external tools exist and anything else the community might use that they can share.

The gamification is a big help interms of badges they earn too but curious if there is anything else.

As always thank you in advace!


Then you might change the title to indicate that so that people who care about that will know that this is the place to discuss it.


Good point @pfaffman thank you.


If anyone is interested I have been using this, which displays the following metrics in a table using the data explorer plug-in:

Number of:

WITH date_range AS (
    '2024-02-01'::date AS start_date, -- Adjust with the actual start date
    '2024-02-27'::date AS end_date    -- Adjust with the actual end date

  u.username AS "Moderator_Username",
  COUNT(CASE WHEN uh.action = 56 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS "post_approved",
  COUNT(CASE WHEN uh.action = 64 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS "post_rejected",
  COUNT(CASE WHEN uh.action = 69 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS "approve_user",
  COUNT(CASE WHEN uh.action = 1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS "delete_user",
  COUNT(CASE WHEN uh.action = 10 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS "suspend_user",
  COUNT(CASE WHEN uh.action = 11 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS "unsuspend_user"
FROM users u
LEFT JOIN user_histories uh ON = uh.acting_user_id
WHERE (uh.created_at BETWEEN (SELECT start_date FROM date_range) AND (SELECT end_date FROM date_range))
  AND (u.moderator = true OR u.admin = true)
GROUP BY u.username
ORDER BY u.username

Does anyone have any others they’d like to share?

I’ve slipped this over to data & reporting to see if it could attract more interest. I think it’s one of those subjects that’s suitable for either category, but this may elicit some more responses from those community managers who are interested in data. :crossed_fingers:

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