Markdown headers aren't interpreted in Chat

The Chat window seems to interpret most markdown such as bold, italics, tables, lists, etc… but it doesn’t interpret headers. For example, if I post the following

### Hello

This is a test.

in a both topic and in a chat, it will render as a header in the topic but in the chat it will show the ### as 3 pound signs.

Is this intentional? Or a possible issue?

Hi, yes it’s intentional (we don’t think titles make sense in chat messages). You could make a feature request if you think that’s necessary.


Got it. Makes sense. I’m not sure if it’s necessary but it comes up when the Chatbot plugin is used in Chat. It sends raw post content from topics to the LLM and the LLM sends back markdown in the reply, sometimes including markdown headers. I wouldn’t normally type a header in a chat but the LLM does.


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