Markdown headers doesn’t work when quoted from chat

Let’s see. This is part of discussion with AI, but that isn’t important. But it is copied from a chat channel to new topic.


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So, when quote is done using [chat] [/chat] markdowns like bold works, but headers not.

I thought html like <h3> </h3> would work and then I could fix it in system prompt because my human users never use headers in chat, but that was no go too.

I don’t know if this comes from some limitation of markdown or styling, or is it a real bug, but can it be fixed?


Don’t headers not work in chat originally? Personally I’d expect the quotes to follow the chat formatting rules, which IIRC doesn’t have headers.

(Now I’m not saying that having header support in chat wouldn’t be nice…)

Never tried, but AI uses headers. But the point is headers don’t work in topics if there is [chat]. Not markdown way, or with html. And that isn’t normal behaviour no matter what origin was.

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Something similar was reported here.


Kind of yes, but no. I will make feature request of that, because AI in chats is new normal (and was back then) and making system prompt where an AI can use headers everywhere else, but not in chats, is impossible AFAIK.

But now I would be totally happy if headers would work in topics :smirk:

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