MaxMindDB GeoLite2-City.mmdb Not Found Error in Logs

I’m encountering an issue in my Discourse instance where the following error appears in the logs:

MaxMindDB (/var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb) could not be found: No such file or directory 2 rb_sysopen - /var/www/discourse/vendor/data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb

The image displays a line of code output with an error message indicating that a file named 'GeoLite2-City.mmdb' could not be found at the specified path in the '/var/www/discourse/vendor' directory. (Captioned by AI)

It seems like Discourse is unable to locate the GeoLite2-City database.

Has anyone else encountered this issue? What’s the best way to resolve it?
Any guidance would be appreciated!

Have you set up Maxmind with a license key? Configure MAXMIND for reverse IP lookups


And use two spaces before those lines in app.yml. Missing those doesn’t break YML, but makes exacly that.

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Hi @Arkshine and @Jagster,

Thanks for your guidance so far!

I don’t currently have a MaxMind license key.
Can you confirm whether MaxMind offers their license key for free, or is it a paid service?

Thanks again for your help! :blush:

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Yes, you still can get the GeoLite2 free database. The guide is correct. :+1:

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Hi @Arkshine and @Jagster,

Thank you so much for your guidance and suggestions in fixing the MaxMind error issue! :folded_hands: With your help, I successfully signed up for a MaxMind account, set up the GeoLite2 database for my forums, and resolved the issue. Everything is working perfectly now! :tada:

I really appreciate your time and expertise in helping me out. Thank you again! :blush:

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