MD Composer extras

Is it possible to move the Build Poll option (on desktop) out of the extra menu and next to the rest of the formatting buttons?

Like your request on mobile, it requires a bit more complex editing, that I can’t add on this theme component. But it should be doable on a custom component for desktop following the logic presented by angus and spirobel.


How would one remove the center and align left + right buttons?

love this component by the way.


You can add these css lines in your theme or in a component:

.align_center_button, .align_right_button, .align_justify_button {
    display: none;

I guess you meant justify button, since align left has not been added in the same component

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Is it possible to move all of these new buttons within the Options button/menu?

It’s possible but you’d need to dig in the code a little bit

In the Desktop > Head you’ll have all the javascript, you need to change a few lines.

Example the code for a button in the toolbar looks like this

api.onToolbarCreate(toolbar => {
        id: "underline_button",
        group: "fontStyles",
        icon: "underline",
        perform: e => e.applySurround('[u]', '[/u]', 'underline_text')

You need to change by using this

api.addToolbarPopupMenuOptionsCallback(() => {
  return {
      action: "underline",
      icon: "underline",
      label: "underline_button"

And add the action in this part:

api.modifyClass("controller:composer", {
  actions: {
    underline() {
      this.get("toolbarEvent").applySurround('[u]', '[/u]', "underline_text");
    floatleft() {
      this.get("toolbarEvent").applySurround('[wrap="floatl"]\n', '\n[/wrap]', "float_left_text");
    columns() {
      this.get("toolbarEvent").applySurround('[wrap="columns"]\n', '\n[/wrap]', "columns_text");

The translation should be ok

You’ll quickly see if anything is wrong since Discourse give some error message when you save the changes.


Great component @Steven
Would be awesome if we could also have H1, H2 and H3


Can the [color] [/color] be added to this theme component? If it can, then it would be perfect because then one can use the official discourse bbcode+md composer. I’m currently using formatting toolbar + mdcomposer. Sure I can use CSS to hide the extra buttons, but there are places where CSS is not used like in the admin panel or pavilion’s Custom Wizard plugin. The color button is used a lot.

This is what I have with CSS: (which is perfect)

This is what I have without:

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My plan is to have a component for people who don’t want to have a plugin. But I’ll make a branch with color bbcode. I’ll try it in a few hours if I have the time. I’ll let you know when it’s ready and how to install

I’ll probably use the time to reorganize the theme component, I prefer a simple tc by default, I’ll use a all-options branch with subscript buttons, a bbcode branch for those who have official bbcode plugin


Thanks, the subscript/superscript buttons is one of the reasons to keep using md composer which other plugins and theme components lack. The official bbcode has many things included that are not in the formatting toolbar plugin like the [spoiler] [/spoiler]. To have best of both worlds, I think it’s better to keep the discourse bbcode and then add the buttons we need through mdcomposer.

I didn’t think the script buttons were popular, I’ll keep them in the base component.

I’ll do a few branch, a simple one with only some basic formatting buttons, color branch that adds a color bbcode


Hey guys,

Just wanted to let you know that a new color branch has been added to the md composer. Now you can use the official discourse bbcode plugin + md composer (color branch) + discourse spoiler-alert (blur spoilers). I believe that this is the best combo available for composer buttons on Discourse.

There’s also an idea of adding a color picker using this free library:

If anyone wants to help and knows how to add a color picker, feel free to help Steven out!


How would I completely hide or remove some of these buttons? We only need a few of them and I noticed removing a button will not removing the item being still listed (it will still be a blank space with no visible icon).

The best way is to add some css lines in your current theme

I gave these examples for the align buttons, if you want to get rid of them

.align_center_button, .align_right_button, .align_justify_button {
    display: none;

I can also give you the css code for the specific buttons you want hidden


Hi Steven, great component. Thanks for sharing!

A quick question: Would it be possible to implement some buttons to add non-breaking spaces (e.g. nbsp ; ensp ; emsp? What should I use instead of applySurround?

Some members of my community struggle to format the posts (mainly indentation) and I believe it would be helpful for them.


Yes, you can easily add some button, and instead of applysurround, I use addText

I have this old example you can use

api.onToolbarCreate(toolbar => {
        id: "br_button",
        group: "extras",
        icon: "level-down-alt",
        perform: e => e.addText('<br>', 'br_text')

Thanks! That will do the trick!

Hmm… You don’t seem to have strikethrough in Discourse Formatting Toolbar but you do here. I prefer the Formatting Toolbar though since it has everything else and more, but I would like to have strikethrough as an option. What do you recommend seeing that compatibility is an issue between these two?

I could add a strikethrough button in the toolbar in the plugin, it might be relevant in the future.

I’ll think about it, but in the meantime, you can use the plugin and add this component : GitHub - MonDiscourse/discourse-strikethrough: Add a strikethrough button in the composer

It will add a strikethrough button in the popup menu action, it is compatible with the plugin



I submitted a pr: Update head_tag.html by pfaffman · Pull Request #10 · MonDiscourse/md-composer-extras · GitHub that, unless I misplaced a comma or something, should fix

To prevent errors in tests, add a `pluginId` key to your `modifyClass` call. This will ensure the modification is only applied once.