That sounds reasonable, there’s no need for any presence features on new topics.
The code has changed a lot since I wrote it, so I couldn’t say offhand where that change would need to be made. Longer term it would definitely be good to move a lot of this presence logic into message-bus as @sam mentioned a while ago
I think it should be quite subtle, so I prefer the current design. This is an extreme power user feature, not something we want to call a lot of extra attention to.
“Toggle whisper” is missing in the dropdown when I click the topic’s reply button. It’s only visible after clicking a post’s reply button. Is that intentional?
BTW, here’s a PR for the suggestions on tab indexing (here implemented as index 8, after the ‘cancel’ focus) and adding :focus styling – Something like this would suit my needs as a keyboard user.
I disagree. Replying privately to a public message seems like a fairly useful thing to do (but maybe we don’t want to encourage private conversation?), and the only way that I know to do that is with the .
And when I was teaching with Discourse, reply-as-linked-topic was very useful for people to start a new topic with their solution to the exercise.