Merging Cells in Markdown Tables

I am trying to make some fancyish tables in a Discourse post and cant seem to get it to work. In a nut shell I want to merge some cells to place multiple cells underneath or similar. Is this possible?

This is my syntax

| | Grouping ||
First Header | Second Header | Third Header |
------------ | :-----------: | -----------: |
Content | Long Cell ||
Content | Cell | Cell |

This is what I get

| | Grouping ||

First Header Second Header Third Header
Content Long Cell
Content Cell Cell

This is what I am trying to do


Any advice is appreciated!

That seems like a copy paste of multimarkdown example.

And I think Discourse is using Therefore not possible to do in Discourse.

I am looking for a solution to the need of merging table cells on the forum, in order to optimize the display interface. as well as allowing adding images to the table. then found the introduction to jekyll-spaceship
Link: github - Can I merge table rows in markdown - Stack Overflow

So has anyone integrated it into the core of discourse Not yet?

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It’s currently not possible, and Discourse doesn’t support colspan or rowspan attributes for <td> and <th> elements. I don’t think it’s the roadmap either.

It is possible that you can add the support for this with a custom plugin. See: Whitelisting HTML tags / attributes

the list of supported HTML elements is here: discourse/allow-lister.js at main · discourse/discourse · GitHub. The table tags seem to be here: discourse/table.js at main · discourse/discourse · GitHub

Maybe this will be of some help.

If you want to request allowing colspan or rowspan attributes in core, you may want to create a new feature topic. :slight_smile:


Thank you, I will refer to the article sample in the category feature for a clear recommendation

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