Min trust to flag posts

When we enable the min trust to flag posts setting for higher trust levels. The ability to flag is completely disabled for lower-level users.

But we tell all users to send their requests through the flag and select the last option for moderator review. Requests such as delete self topics or close self topics.

What do you suggest to solve this problem?

Maybe it’s not bad for all users to be able to flag their own posts.

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Users at trust level 0 cannot:

  • Flag posts

Admins, (YOU) can change these limitations by searching for newuser and first_day in site settings.

i would personally not recommend this action as it is easy to move from TL0 to TL1

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This is actually very useful - submitting a “custom” flag on your own post when some administrative action is needed, e.g. making a wiki post or closing a topic that’s gotten too heated.


Do you think this feature can be included in the Roadmap?