Minor editing should not bump the topic

Does this also apply when closing topics?

I’m considering closing a few thousand old imported topics per this suggestion:

Hoping they won’t all jump to the top of /latest

Closing a topic already never bumps it. I see that in action all the time here on Meta.


Not happy with this. I am cleaning up a forum with lots of baggage, sometimes unpinning ages old topics and also fixing up some broken html in them, and now they’re suddenly up on top on /latest… that’s I think improper bumping… maybe include an option somewhere to just switch that behavior off (maybe temporarily, i.e. for a cleanup period like the one I am going thru)

Are you clear how it works? This only happens when you edit the last post in a topic. If there is only 1 post in a topic then the last and first post are the same.

Yes I know how it works, I just don’t like that behavior all that much and looking for a way to avoid it :wink:

Same thing as described by @sebastianh happens to me. I like the idea of:

Put it simple, a checkbox to turn it off next to the Save button, only visible to admins and mods (configurable).

I think I am kind of OK with having it show a checkbox after you click “edit reason” that allows moderators to decide if a last post edit bumps or not. Very much against cluttering the main UI with this, but soooooo few people click on edit reason anyway that adding one extra checkbox for mods there will not matter.

At the end of the day this is just automating existing functionality (change post timestamp) so I think it is ok.


Continued here: