When an edit is made to the topic, do not let it move to the top (?)

When someone edits the topic, it moves up as if someone else had replied to the topic.

How can we prevent this?

What I mean is that while the topic is in the twentieth place, when the topic is edited, it comes to the first place. I don’t want this to happen.

Thank you. :pray:

AFAIK you can’t — then this would be feature request, that I would support; users don’t see what is changed and they just see a bumped topic.

But you can, if you is an admin or moderator, reset timestamp back to previous one.

How to do that? Use data explorer ?

Using the topic wrench?

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Members may abuse this feature. I think there should be a solution to this.

How? Ordinary users don’t see it. Like we here.

A topic is only bumped for editing if an edit is made to the last post in the topic.

Though there is the No Bump plugin you may find useful - Discourse No Bump

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I see that someone else is editing.
I tried it on my site and when a regular member edits their topic, their topic automatically goes to the top of the list.

The member, who knows that he will be blocked if he spams, can always use this feature to bring his topic to the top of the list.

Thank you @JammyDodger I will use this plugin but this is what I’m talking about, the person who doesn’t get a response to his topic will edit his topic and move his topic to the top of the list.

Should you limit editing rights then?

Yes, reacquainting myself with the plugin, it doesn’t look like that case is covered by it.

FWIW, on here I use what Jagster suggests and ‘Reset Bump Date’ for any that look to be trying to take advantage,

If they persist, I ask them not to. And after that I would start applying sanctions.

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Thank you both. :hugs:
Btw can we set a daily editing limit?

nice, did not notice this, thanks pointing out…