Topic List Author

:information_source: Summary Makes the topic author appear instead of posters and allows changing the placement of the author column in topic list pages.
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This theme component makes the topic author avatar appear in topic list pages (ie: /latest /new /unread /top) and the category homepage (if using a category view with topic list).

There are also settings to change where the author column appears for topic list pages - left, centre or right.

This component works with both desktop and mobile views, although the centre avatar placement only shows in desktop view.


Author avatar in default (center) column placement

Author avatar in first (left) column

Author avatar in last (right) column

Author avatar on a category homepage topic list

Mobile view with topic author avatar in first (left) column

Mobile view with topic author avatar in last (right) column


:discourse2: Hosted by us? Theme components are available to use on our Standard, Business, and Enterprise plans.

Last edited by @Lilly 2025-02-11T16:28:07Z

Last checked by @Lilly 2025-03-20T08:59:09Z

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Hi Lilly, not that you need more to do :wink: but I have another issue with topic thumbnails, the avatar is now showing up twice:

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yea the refactor possibly makes this component incompatible again. I’ll see if I can come up with a workaround of some sort. probably need to hack some CSS to make these two components work together if it’s possible.


question: why do you use this theme component? it appears as though topic list thumbnails is using the topic author avatars already because it previews from the first post (OP), (although there are a lot of settings in that theme component). Are you wanting this to only apply to specific categories that Topic list thumbnails isn’t using?

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Great question :grin: Yes, I have some categories that are not using thumbnails.


edit: @davidkingham - you can use the old branch still


This component is now official and the repo link in the OP has been updated. Please use the new repo link to re-install this component to avoid any errors. The old repo will not be maintained going forward and will eventually be archived.


I’m a little slow to respond :grimacing: but unfortunately the old branch isn’t working either. On the categories+latest page it shows the last poster not the author. There’s no chance of making this compatible with Topic Thumbnails now that it’s official? :folded_hands:t3:

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