Show both OP and last reply on mobile

:information_source: Summary This component show topic OP and last reply on mobile
:eyeglasses: Preview Theme Creator
:hammer_and_wrench: Repository Lhcfl/discourse-mobile-topic-op-and-last-reply (
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Install this theme component

This theme component is heavily inspired by @awesomerobot’s Show Original Poster Avatars - theme-component - Discourse Meta. Let us thank him for his great creation!

This theme component has reached a balance on whether to display the topic OP or the last replyer on the mobile. As you can see, the OP of the topic will be displayed on the left, and the last replyer will be displayed on the right. In particular, if there is no reply, the position of the avatar will be replaced by a clock.


It reminds me a bit of MD Topic List Mobile component :slight_smile:


Thanks !

Can you do that for computer too ?

Didn’t the topic list on the desktop provide us with more detailed information?

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A good theme component but it’s does that with my category + tag:

IS it possible to fix?

Do you mean nothing is displayed?

I tested the component, and it is working fine on my side:

Hi, its me again. IS there a way to fix this?

If i disable the theme component, its shows as expected

Also, in the preview, category + tags have no spacement:

Is there anything wrong with this? This looks as expected.

Before the theme component, it’s shows like that:

I modified your image a bit, and you see, the tag label is actually too long to fit, so it is placed on the next line.

I understand, but its expected to be here:

I have temporally fixed it by limiting the tags a bit to show in 1 line only

Oh, it’s a matter of opinion, it’s by design because I think it looks better to put the tag after the category. :thinking:

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oh ok. so it’s designed that way. It sounds strange to me because there is a lot of empty space.

but ok, i understand now. Thank you

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Will this theme component be updated?

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I’ve completed the maintenance work, but there is a problem - I probably need to put a PluginOutlet in the core. Without this outlet, it will be difficult to rewrite this theme component intact.

DEV: Add a PluginOutlet for mobile-view topic activity number by Lhcfl · Pull Request #31567 · discourse/discourse

update: It’s merged :slightly_smiling_face:

Now the component is compatible with the latest discourse