Missing link to whats new

Continuing the discussion from 3.3.0.beta3: Video thumbnails, Site setting confirmation, Faster access to plugin settings, and more:

I wanted to read about this as it was on my whats new page but there was no link to this page like I’m used to:


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Could you please explain what you meant by not seeing the link?

I have recently been doing the release notes so it is possible I might have missed something here

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Hi Robert! That particular new feature does not have a topic on meta to accompany it yet, so we did not include a link for it. You can check out how it works by heading to /admin/customize/user_fields on your site and editing a custom user field.

Here’s an example of how a custom user field might be set up. Note the “For all users” option which, in conjunction with the other settings, will enable you to create new user fields that even existing users are required to complete before they access your site. This is great for when you updated your terms of use or privacy policy, etc.

Adding such a field will have a wide impact on your community so you’ll want to use it with care. A warning popup prevents you from doing this by accident! :sweat_smile:


I’m used to when a new update comes out there’s a link in my admin UI that brings me here so I can read the release notes, get info on the features, there was none.


Thanks for the feedback! It’s nice to see that you are benefitting so much from the new features list.

Not every item in the list gets a link… that’s always been the case. We’ll strive to make sure more new features do get a link in future! This one in particular deserves one.

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Wasn’t there always a single quick one or am I just used to one being near the top, I posted this days back so am caught a bit off on it now, anyhow whatever the case perhaps one could be added like emails often do, “view this on Discourse”, anytime you get more traffic it benefits your site anyhow, unless PR has changed also :man_shrugging: