Missing {{sentTo}} value

Lähetimme uuden vahvistusviestin sinulle osoitteeseen [missing {{sentTo}} value]. Viestin saapumisessa voi kestää muutama minuutti, muista tarkastaa myös roskapostikansio.

A (wannabe) user contacted the admins on my forum. They had received this message (fi-locale) after asking for new confirmation email to be sent (as it was previously not sent). I take it something is broken.

The user is currently unconfirmed, but it has the email set up right.

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I just checked. This user has not been sent any mail, even though I clicked the admin link to send them password renewal link. Tried sending test mail, that went through, but no other mail is registered even though the profile was created…

It’s a problem with the Finnish translation. The English text uses the {{currentEmail}} placeholder, not {{sentTo}}. You should fix it on Transifex.



You are right @gerhard . I fixed it.