Mobile Brand Header button background colour not right?

My desktop version still looks stellar, but my mobile version has recently started displaying in this way. I know this was in the works for a future update, so it’s probably intentional. Is there a way to set my desktop background as one color and my mobile as another?



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I don’t have the color issue that you do on your left, but the multiple “hamburgers” isn’t ideal…

I would almost rather have it disabled from the mobile version. Granted, I’m a fan of absolute simplicity on mobile devices where every pixel counts.


Agreed. I might just disable it for now. Two hamburgers is looking very strange.


This is caused by some custom CSS you have in your theme. You have this in your light theme in the common section.

header.b-header {
  background-color: #378899;

The common stylesheet applies to both desktop and mobile. Either move that rule to the desktop section or change it to look like this.

.desktop-view header.b-header {
  background-color: #378899;

Ahhh, thank you!! Not all heroes wear capes. :raised_hands:


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