Mobile theme doesn't show last activity time for topics on category page

One of guys from my forum reported this. He’s using some Android phone and here’s what he seeing:

On right there’s dates when last topics was created, instead of last message time as I see it on PC via FireFox:

I can't test this because my own phone looks like this.


I can repro here on meta. Looks like a legit issue to me.

I wouldn’t say it’s a bug, rather a UX question. Mobile is all about screen estate.

Where would you see the last activity time? Mockups are highly appreciated :wink:

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OK, it looks like an unintentional UX implementation.

In desktop view, you only see the time of the last post for topics shown on the category page.
In desktop view, you only see the time of the last post for topics on the topic list page.
In mobile view, you only see the time of the last post for topics on the topic list page.
In mobile view, you only see the time of the first post for topics on the category page.

Which of these things is not like the other? :wink:


The first, you appear to be using the word shown

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Probably a bug, @neil can you fix? I have some other requests for this page on Mobile that are tweaks.

I fixed. As @Maestra_Powers said, it was showing the date of the first post.