Moderate posts from a single user

Is there a way to apply moderation to a single user so that their posts have to be approved first, and not apply this to the entire membership?


I found this plugin. Might want to give it a go although I’m not sure how well it works


You can lock their trust level to 0 and make tl0 have to have posts approved, maybe? But there isn’t a way to do that for a single user. Usually the answer is to suspend the user, but you could have the user list to develop a plugin to force a single user to be moderated. :wink:

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Sorry to say that launcher rebuild fails with that plugin with a lot of errors I do not understand. Seems too old, I gave up.

Would be great if somebody knowledgeable could update this plugin. Or even incorporate such a feature into Discourse baseline.

I have just tried this plugin on latest tests-passed and it works perfectly for me, so you might consider opening another topic where we figure out why your build is failing.