Moderation Strategies

There is a Category Setting.that will

Otherwise the poster?/replier can flag their own post as something else.


If you want to set approval site-wide, you could use approve unless trust level or approve new topics unless trust level instead:

(Though, just to note, these are marked to be morphed into being group-enabled in the near future - Changes coming to settings for giving access to features (from trust levels to groups))

There’s also approve post count if you wanted to just approve new users’ posts:

This topic is getting a bit scrappy and disconnected though, and has drifted quite far from the issue raised in the OP. It’s become more a succession of support questions rather than a discussion about community management.

Has this conversation run its course?


Well for the original issue mentioned have not heard back from administrator I wrote to about that.

Moderation strategies aren’t neccesarily always about community management, there is more I could talk about for that but ok if you want to close this topic.