Monitoring AI Bot PMs

The default action of the AI bot button is to start a PM with the bot. Although I think it would be great if this was configurable so that the default action is to post a public topic, I am wondering about the best way for forum mods (not admins) to stay in-the-loop with bot conversations so they can monitor and step in when necessary.

As a forum admin, I can navigate to the user associated with an Discourse AI persona, then view that bot user’s PMs. There are a few problems with this:

  • I don’t get notifications for PMs sent to the bot
  • Forum mods don’t have access to PMs of other users


  • How can members of the staff group on my site monitor the private messages sent to the ai bot on my forum?
  • Is it possible to start PMs with a group inbox instead of a PM with the bot?

At the moment not, but it sounds like a very good feature request.

Force a user allowed group for all bot PMs. It will certainly make it so much easier to monitor cause all bot pms will be visible to the group and it is not a huge change.

Moving this to feature!


Love it. If you give me a hint on how to implement this, I’d be happy to take a whack at it.


If you install it on local,what I would recommend:

  1. Introduce a new site setting for ai_bot_monitor_groups (list of groups monitoring bot conversations)
  2. Be sure that that is injected into user_allowed_groups on any reply to a bot PM if it is not there.
  3. Add some sort of validation that disallows people from removing the group
  4. Tests in playground_spec to validate the behavior
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