Possible to disable AI chat in personal DM and category topic discussion?


possible to disable AI chat in personal DM and/or category topic discussion?
only allow to use it in group channel.

  • AI bot discussion in category topic, that brings a lot of fun, but easily get a lot ai-generate content, no good in some sense.

  • seems it is nice to have AI-bot involved in channel group discussion, it is fun, useful, and messages could be cleared after days…

hope the team could consider to add settings to enable/disable AI-bot in DM/channel/category topic discussion, and maybe allow in specified categories… that will be very useful…


You have to actively enable it and can control which personas are allowed to chat with which groups in the admin section

Chat with a persona is not something that is default enabled

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yes, need to add a persona to a group then could mention it in group chat to use it.
while, as long as a persona is enabled, could personal DM chat, that is enabled by default.

Not following, there is an allow chat checkbox you can click, are you saying it is not working?

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thanks Sam,
if uncheck “Allow chat”, then will not be able to use the AI in a channel by mentioning it, even the persona is included in the channel group, tried that…
never mind, seems my request is not very necessary, ha…

Oh I see,

You are saying you want to disable DM to a persona, but still allow people to @mention the persona in a channel? We would need a new permission for that, which we can look at adding.

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thanks @sam !

@sam possible to disable AI bot in the topic discussion as well, only like to have it in channel chat…
when allow it in the topic discussion, there are too many AI bot posts, that easily mess up the discussion from members…
thanks, this seems a function folks will really need …

should I move this one to “Feature” category as a feature request ? thanks…

Yes please, we like 1 specific and clear Feature topic per feature request.