My Discourse page at is down. We can’t even pull up the login page. I have had a problem with certificates before, but that doesn’t seem to be the case this time. I ran the update commands in the DigitalOcean droplet console, but it did not solve the problem.
I have attached a console screenshot and the Chrome page of what happens when I type in the forum URL. There are a lot of WARNINGS in the console text. Does that have anything to do with it? I am a novice on these things.
Hi Richard. How do I copy and paste the entire console log? It can’t be done the normal way by just copying and pasting, apparently. Is there a simple way to copy and paste it?
I’m sorry, I can help you with debugging Discourse but not with something that seems an issue with your computer or with the Cloud platform that you’re using.
Alternatively, you can scroll through the log and look for something that is an error, and screenshot that.
The site is nonresponsive, suggesting that it’s not got network connectivity. If discourse were down you’d still get a refused to connect message, not a timeout.
It was after that someone noticed the forum was down and emailed me. It’s unclear if it was running those commands that did it or if the forum was down before that. But I don’t know why running this would create this problem, though.
I contacted DigitalOcean, and they sent me this:
Hello Wes,
Thanks for getting back in touch and for that additional information. What kind of console he used is not really relevant to what happened in our Droplet after he got there.
I noticed you used the command “./launcher start up”. Instead, try the default command “./launcher start app”.
If this does not work, you should reach out to your developer, because it would indicate that discourse was set up in a non-standard way, unique to him.
I don’t know anything about two container setup but as I see this you destroyed earlier app and if something goes wrong with rebuilding you can’t use old one.
I have reviewed the droplet and see that it is up and responding, however, the HTTP and HTTPS ports are currently closed.
> root@jump:~# nmap -Pn -p 22,80,443 Starting Nmap 7.80 ( []( ) at 2024-08-10 11:42 UTC Nmap scan report for []( ( Host is up (0.23s latency). PORT STATE SERVICE 22/tcp open ssh 80/tcp closed http 443/tcp closed https Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.51 seconds
Everything is theoretically possible, but… no. Your droplet got some hickup and that’s why the firewall went down. Maybe Jay thought something like that and that’s why he suggested rebooting droplet. Or bootstrapping wasn’t succesful, but I don’t know how that could close those ports.