As I am trying to learn my way through coding in Discourse I managed to make my forum invisible when I put in the following CSS:
.ember-view {
I wanted to try and get rid of an element that has placed itself above my container and when I was trying to find out which element it was I thought it would be .ember-view.
Turns out I was wrong and now my whole forum is invisible.
What can I do? Both the admin section and the website is entirely invisible because I inserted that code in the themes CSS.
Anyone has a clue which element this is? It is placed over my div.list-controls and is called either ember27, ember28, main-container or container from my very amateurish (yep i deserve that) eye to read code.
The line I am trying to remove is placed within the blue lines on this photo:
And thank you to @RGJ and @merefield for your support and saving my day.
Your photo is not exactly clear (PM me the URL of your forum and I will have a look).
The rule of thumb is to NEVER target something called ember, these are automatically generated, very generic, and the numbers can and will change every build.