Name of the app / PWA on mobile devices

Dear all,
If you “Install” the community on your mobile device it shows a name for this installation. (Obviously…)
How can you change this name?
For example, the installation from is called “Meta”.
What if you would want users to see the name “Meta Discourse” instead? :thinking:


That will be the short title setting. It must be under 12 characters per documentation.


Ah, thanks!
I was wondering why it choose only 12 characters of the 17 in total :smiley:
The short title setting was still not filled in though, but I just located it!
First word is luckily exactly 12 letters :confetti_ball: (Second would be “forum”)
It does however cut-off strange on android, and the word forum would fit there just fine…
Guess I have to live with this…


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