National Flags

All, @fzngagan has been very generous with his time and submitted a PR for getting this working again with Custom Wizard, which I have duly merged.

I have tested it and its working, thanks again @fzngagan!

You may need to update the commit step, here is my ‘action’:

At some point we should fix the CSS which is pretty uuuuuugly at present.


Is it possible to use this plugin with a rake command to set the flags to all users based on their IP addresses? A lot of users tend not to notice they can set flags. Or a way to set a flag by default according to IP during new registrations? Would be something useful for many communities.


I had to disable it because newest version didn’t show up in user preferences. Also it broke user preferences in different areas because it hid the “save profile” button. FYI

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Is anyone else having issues with this not saving? When I change the flag in the profile and then save, it doesn’t actually save, I can refresh and the selection is gone. No errors in the console or logs.

Working correctly for me on tests-passed as of this morning.


I was curious about using this with USA state flags… anyone tried that or similar?


Looks like this plugin is “flagged” by the upcoming discourse upgrade to Ember 5 as not being compatible. Any thoughts on an update?


The console log with the error:

Usage of the Ember Global is deprecated. You should import the Ember module or the specific API instead. [deprecation id: ember-global] See Ember.js - Deprecations for more details.

Issue opened; perhaps the fix is trivial?


FYI, Last nights Discourse Update is the Ember update apparently. DISABLE this plugin in your containers/app.yml BEFORE updating, otherwise you will just see the loading balls on discourse and your site will never load

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I’ve submitted and merged a PR to hopefully fix the critical issues:

Let me know how you get on :+1:


I have rebuilt my site with the latest National Flags plugin and it is working successfully. Thanks so much for the update! :heart:


It appears empty and asks me for an update

@merefield @Ebs


I have no idea why that setting was added.

Perhaps if you are having problems with the plugin and need some help with it you could post in marketplace ?


@sunjam did you ever find that as an option?

Or anyone,

Rather than regional categories I was searching for an option like this but more locally defined

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Looking to add the Kosovo flag. I could add it myself; however, I don’t know where you got the pngs. I would like to remain consistent.


I am not sure where to add on Discourse. But looking at the plugin GitHub page. It would need to be added.

Here where the pngs are stored

And code added here

If you know how to do some coding you can likely add a pull request.

@anon48433008 @sunjam if you know some minor coding the 2 links above I believe you could create a forked version. You would maybe want to look over some of the other yml files and maybe other sections of code to change prompt names for the user preferences page to have it say USA States Flags.


I can’t recall the original source, but the set is intended to conform to ISO 3166.

However I note there is a public domain source here that includes Kosovo.

Might be able to use that:

I can help by reviewing any PR.


I don’t know about PR and forks but don’t inquiries here show the same interest in improving?

US States are actually nations of themselves, I get common thinking excludes them but I’d like to see this plugin more inclusive to uncommon thinking :slightly_smiling_face:

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marketplace is your friend.


Ahhh, forgive me I didn’t see I can help the same as offer to pay me and I’ll be your friend.

My bad.