[Need help][MacOS M1 dev installation] ArgumentError unknown keywords

I’m trying to install discourse following
Beginners Guide to Install Discourse on macOS for Development

I’ve installed the dependencies with the script. To fix some bugs I’ve modified some codes:

  1. in the script: brew install postgres brew install postgresql@14
  2. in gemfile: mini_racer. ->. mini_racer, github: 'rubyjs/mini_racer', branch: 'refs/pull/186/head'
  3. in 006-mini_profiler.rb: Rack::MiniProfiler.counter_method(Redis::Client, :call) { 'redis' }. ->. Rack::MiniProfiler.counter_method(Redis::Client, :caller) { 'redis' }

I’ve referred to this blog Tips and tricks for developing Rails applications on Apple Silicon and succeeded until the step bin/rake db:create db:migrate

However, when I’m trying to run bin/rails s to start the server, I met this error:

I checked the file and didn’t find these arguments at all. I wonder if anyone happen to have ideas about this problem? Great thanks in advance!

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