Need help migrating from IPB

Hi there. I’m interested in moving my forum to Discourse. We’re currently running IPB 3.4.1. Do you have a converter for this?

It’s a medium/large sized forum, the raw SQL dump is 534 MB. I’m also going to self host the forum. Still working on setting it up, but if you could provide me with a quote that would be awesome.

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I don’t understand why this topic wasn’t closed. You really should start a new topic with your job and a budget, but I wrote the IPB importer and have used it on a couple different IPB imports. Please see Discourse Migration – Literate Computing, LLC for information about how imports work in general and how I charge for them. My contact info is on my site as well as on my profile here.

My apologies, thanks for the pointer. I will have a look!

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