Need help updating the image shown when a link is posted

We have updated all the branding icons under /admin/site_settings/category/branding to reflect our new branding but when we share a link (for example in slack, etc) it still shows our old logo. Where is this image being set so we can update the image to reflect our new branding?

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I took a quick look at which icon is being used for Meta when posting a link to Slack, and it appears the apple touch icon is used for whatever reason (I don’t think we don’t have control over this) so setting that may help? if that’s not set it appears to fallback to large icon


If you’ve already updated those, it’s possible Slack caches icons and it might take a little time to see the update?

hmmm, looking I see the apple touch icon is left blank and the discourse note under it says “If left blank, large_icon will be used.” The image is a fuzzy image from our new logo so that looks to be correct.
Backing up from that, the large_icon further up the page is also left blank and the discourse note under it say “If left blank, logo_small will be used.” The image is the same fuzzy image as above so seems correct as well.
The logo_small near the top of the page was filled in with the new logo and the fuzzy images noted above match it, so that too all seems to be ok.
These branding changes were done in discourse several months ago so I wouldn’t think it is a caching thing in slack that would resolve itself automatically. I’ll ask internally though if they have seen the old logo show up elsewhere besides in slack postings so we can at least determine if it is a discourse-slack-specific issue.
In the meantime, do you think it could be an issue with discourse not failing back to the alternative icon noted even though the fuzzy image shown implies it is?

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oh yes, that likely rules out cache

I wouldn’t expect it to be the issue because it worked when I tested it, but these things are difficult to debug perfectly when the behavior of another app is involved.

For now I’d try to set the apple touch icon and see if that solves the issue.

I was able to rule out it being a slack-only issue. If you use Post Inspector and put in one of our a discourse links, it shows the old logo.

Using this site I see the old logo is coming from[ourcompany]/original/1X/[randomfilename.png]

presumably this is something discourse uses to store the info and this cache needs to be cleared out or updated?

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Ah I can see you’re a customer on our official hosting based on that link. It appears that your site’s theme has manually set some meta opengraph tags in the head file. Doing this shouldn’t be necessary, and this appears to be where the old logo is referenced.

If you remove these tags from the head section found in /admin/customize/themes (within “edit HTML/CSS”) it should remedy the issue.


thanks, that worked a treat!
If we wanted to upload an image on that same page (admin/customize/themes/2) I presume we could edit the head section via “edit HTML/CSS”? If so, what would that line look like instead of
<meta property="og:image" content="[ourcompany]/original/1X/[rendomfilename.png]">?