(New?) "Latest" button on Meta looks odd

I haven’t been able to see this rolled out anywhere else, so I’m not sure if it’s an experiment that just hasn’t gotten a topic yet, or a ux bug.

From a different hosted Discourse site:

From Meta:

Either way, this version of the “Latest” drop-down menu looks quite odd to me.

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I quite like this. I was hoping to try and find out where to add this later, haha! However, they are clickable for me.


:thinking: they are for me now, but I swear when I tried them before posting this topic they didn’t work.

It would be helpful if you could add a bit more detail here to describe what you mean.

We discussed this design as a team and moved forward with it based on multiple iterations, design team consensus, and examples of this in the wild as well


I guess for me it’s more of being used to the old style so much that having it changed feels weird.

I guess my only piece of feedback besides that right now is that the up arrow doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me personally, since it’s a drop-down menu, and AFAIK it doesn’t open up.

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Its a pattern we’ve observed in other places. The arrow is both up and down, because this is actually a filter menu, to filter through a list of options. Those options are sometimes “above” and sometimes “below” the currently selected filter, hence the double arrow.

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