New posts don't show up on "Latest" because all categories are muted

We are still in trial period. In fact, we are on standard trial, then we realized that we should probably use business plan instead. I.e. our pageviews have far exceeded the limit.

We just started blocking anonymous users from reading our forum this morning, and then latest posts stopped showing up on “Latest” so no one can see them. The only way to read them is to click on each category.
How did it happen and how do we fix it? Is it due to blocking outside viewers or due to exceedingly high pageviews?

Thank you.

This is your first clue, but I imagine there is a short leeway (grace period) so you can upgrade.

Your situation is not from blocking anonymous viewers, but the “exceeding high pageviews”. You may want to contact Discourse about upgrading since, as you say, you have far exceeded the monthly limit - or upgrade your instance.

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The cause of the issue was that the mute all categories by default site setting had been enabled.


Yup. Just resolved. Thank you!

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