New topic map causing infinite-loading loop

I also noticed this. It does not happen at another forum that was updated 10 days ago. I have the impression it’s because of the topic map at the bottom, that already shows after post 20.


I just upgraded a forum and it’s doing this too. After you scroll down a few times it just continues to scroll as if the space bar or page down is being held down and it pulls in 20 at a time until it gets to the bottom of the page. This now seems like a pretty big bug.

I don’t know if that’s what’s causing the problem, but users of this forum also complained about the duplicate topic map.

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We had an issue introduced on Monday, which was resolved by this commit earlier today. That’s live on Meta, so should resolve the issue @Moin recorded.

@pfaffman if you upgrade your forum again, the scrolling issue should be resolved.

Best to post that feedback over in Feedback on our simplified topic map experiment


It’s still the same


Oh I’m sorry, you’re right! The issue is fixed in core, but Meta is running behind tests-passed at the moment. I’ll see about getting it deployed :eyes:


Looks like it’s fixed (on the site that I just upgraded). Thanks.


This fix was deployed to meta around 2024-07-25T18:45:00Z


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