Topic jumping to bottom on scroll

Split from: Page is automatically jumping to the bottom on long threads

Hello! I have the same issue, and I didn’t quite understand what it meant:


Same behavior on Windows Edge, and on android chrome. What exactly I can do to fix this?

My discourse installed in docker (ubuntu server hosted).
Discourse version 3.3.0.beta5-dev
I have default only theme (did not install any additional themes) and two theme components:
Groups CSS Classes in Body
Category Badge Styles

Did you update after this fix was merged?


I think the issue in the original topic was about a theme that’s no longer supported, so yours is likely a different cause.

I think I’ve seen reports of this with the new topic map that’s been introduced. Have you updated your site very recently?

(Ahh, moin pipped me to it :slight_smile:)


Thanks guys! You are right! Updating and then rebooting the server helped!