New user replying after topic is closed

I believe there’s a bug that would affect the forum (I use) in the future, and it’s this bug.

This new user was able to add a new post to a topic that was closed 8 hours ago.
They were not granted admin, mod, or tl4; they’re just a simple new user.
(I am unable to post the user’s badges because i’m currently a new user here.)
The post the new user made also got bumped, causing other users (in a seperate forum) wondering how this happened.
A lot of people say it’s probably “just someone using some code to reply”, but I believe this is a bug that can affect a lot of discourse forums later on.
We currently use forum version 3.3.0.beta6.

Will this be fixed in the near future?


This should certainly never happen, are you able to reproduce this consistently?

Could it be that their post was in the review queue and then approved after the topic was closed? I’m not sure if that is a ‘thing’ anymore but I’ve seen this happen before over at Infinite Flight Community a year ago or so.


I think you nailed it, ondrej.
If a moderator approves a post on a closed topic, you will be asked if you still want to create the post:

Then it happens:


Thanks for testing!