No user PM access

Yes ok so I’m more confused

And working just off that for a minute let me recap

I’m not a Discourse noob yet when I set up two test accounts was flustered with the inability to send a PM

Now many of the users I’m used to are older, many are used to old forums and get overwhelmed and even turned off with Discourse, something like not being able to send a PM without a big red notice as to why is likely to set a poor tone, first impressions and all.

I was helped with this instance, all good, but then see this plug-in to allow all users to PM staff, cool, all users should be able to PM staff from the moment they sign up, or as I wrote they may get frustrated and set sail.

Why the extra step though? They set up an account why not be able to reach staff in the UI?

Back to the fact the TL0 seems to fix the issue, then I agree

Yet its not

As a new user with standard settings can not PM staff,


IMO, change the initial core settings so that new users can in fact PM staff and remove the risk they simply leave out of frustration.

Its human nature IMO we don’t read the instructions, we sign up on a forum and expect it to work either intuitively, IMO asking staff for help is, or we expect it to run like other software.

People will grasp the trust level thing, but not if the reason is not clearly stated, in my discovery there was no button to PM, if there was a button and pop up that said you don’t have permission that would at least give the user some hope, but again, PM’ing staff, no brainer, should be standard.